Without giving the opportunity to students to voice out, radio channels were broadcasting adults talking about School affairs, directly concerning students’ lives. After discussing with some friends on the impacts of online schooling and pondering about how no attention was paid to our opinions, I had an idea!
The UICM (Union Independante des Colleges Mauriciens) saw the day light on Friday the 21st of January 2022.
I remember what it was like the first few hours that the WhatsApp group was created: many were very optimistic, some were reluctant saying that it would be difficult to bring actual change since students are very often ignored by the system. But nevertheless, we all had that one thing in common; that spark that encouraged us to work for the better of every student.
Within the first five days, the logo was designed by the team, and we started working on linking UICM with the other colleges; breaking down the walls and connecting with others became our main priority.
The whole team focused on the trending issue “The Postponement of SC/HSC Cambridge exams”. A survey, via google forms, was made and shared on the 28th, at 11pm, just after a Zoom meeting with the heads of delegation of other colleges.
The survey within 48 hours reached more than 6500 students out of which 3000 answered the survey and more than 70 Colleges ranging from Lady Sushil SSS in the North to Souillac SSS in the South.
As of today, UICM counts more than 10 colleges with over 200+ members. We wish to mark history through UICM, and such will be done, putting RCC students as the first to create an advocacy group for students.
Harishwaren Veerapen, President of UICM