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The legalization of drugs has always been an important issue, but in the recent years, it has taken on a global dimension. As well as the general legalizing of drugs, some may argue that only a specific type of drug should be legalized or that drugs should be legalized in only certain areas. For instance, in Mauritius, there has recently been a debate on the legalization of Marijuana for medical purposes. Whilst some may argue that drugs can be beneficial, the adverse effects of drugs consumption are clearly visible.

The government should legislate in way to protect people from themselves as well as from each other. Soft drugs are harmful; cannabis smoke is carcinogenic, and prolonged cannabis smoking has been shown to cause serious brain damage as well as significant loss of motivation and short-term memory. Some could argue that the intake of soft drugs does not harm anybody else and is thus a “victimless crime” and as such, should not be considered a crime at all. However, drug takers also put others at risk by consuming mind-altering substances that can cause unstable and hazardous behavior. It is also true that individuals should have the right to choose their own lifestyle, may it be sedentary, including drugs for pleasure and relaxation. Nevertheless, the government is also required to provide moral leadership to the citizens of the country. A drug-using is trivial, hedonistic and causes people to become detached from the real world. These people live in their own imaginary world to escape from reality and its problems which often leads to them becoming pariahs of the society. Legislations should be made against drugs to discourage young people from this path and encourage them to engage in healthier and more creative activities.

Though it is true that the effects of soft drugs are “comparable” with those of alcohol and tobacco (which are legal drugs), there are significant differences. Cannabis and Amphetamines (especially speed) are way more mind-altering than alcohol or tobacco. Also, the fact that harmful and dangerous substances such as alcohol and tobacco are already, socially accepted and entrenched is not a valid reason is not a good reason to allow more and more such substances to be more widely used. Regulation can control for certain effects of drugs, but it cannot avoid the main problem, which is that drugs are harmful. The government should not promote the addiction of drug-takers, individuals should rather be discouraged from ever using drugs and the states should do their maximum to stop people from getting involved in such activities. The legalization of soft-drugs can also act as a gateway to harder ones which would expose the society and especially youngsters to the huge harm of heroin and crack addiction. It can be thought that legalizing drugs would break the power of cartels but even if illegality helps to explain the power of drug gangs, there is no proof that legalization of drugs would help to weaken them. Such an example can be seen in Colombia where a scheme called “Plan Colombia”, has encouraged lawful enterprises in Colombia has largely defeated the drug cartels in that country but at the same time, Mexico has collapsed into lawlessness at the hands of gangs. This shows that there is no radical way of fighting against the menace of gangs. furthermore, legalizing drugs prevents national governments as well as international community from taking action against drug gangs as their activity is no longer punishable by law and the only other way to punish them is to catch them doing other illegal activities which can be very complicated.

It is true that the legalization of drugs is a really complicated debate. However, the drawbacks of this issue far outweigh its benefits and if drugs are legalized, it will greatly affect not only the addicts which would not be able to get help but also other people living in the society as they would become the innocent victims of this decision.

-Rohan Sonoo





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